Data Mapping is an Essential Firts Step dor Data Privacy Compliance

It involves identifying and documenting the flow of personal data within an organization. While there are many data mapping software options available, it is important to note that they have limited use. They can help to automate the process of data mapping, but they cannot replace the need for human expertise. 

It is crucial to have a thorough understanding of the legal requirements and the organization’s data processing activities, including the types of personal data being processed. To make the right questions when it comes to data mapping, it is important to ask questions that are specific and relevant to the organization’s data processing activities. This includes questions about the types of personal data being collected, the purposes for which it is being processed, and the third parties with whom it is being shared. By asking the right questions, organizations can ensure that they have a comprehensive understanding of their data processing activities and can take appropriate measures to protect personal data. After concluding the data mapping, this process helps the data privacy consultants identify potential privacy risks and ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place to make the company compliant with the regulation.

Writen by:

Marcio Cots – Chief Operating Officer

GetGlobal International*

*GetGlobal International is an international consultancy that assists companies aiming to comply with personal data privacy regulations based on constant legislative and market updates. We selected the best and most respected experts in Data Privacy in different regions who are worldly specialists in data privacy, offering the necessary support for your company to fit regulations quietly and safely. GetGlobal’s team has helped hundreds of companies from all sectors. They’ve become a reference in data privacy compliance as a complete and multidisciplinary solution 

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